Glastonbury Solar One

Welcome to the informational page for Glastonbury Solar One, a distributed generation solar project located at 17 Wickham Road in Glastonbury, Connecticut. For all media inquiries, please contact

  • Wickham Road, Glastonbury

  • 3.0 MW AC

    Total system capacity of Glastonbury Solar One

  • 5,640 MWh/Year

    Annual production—enough to power 778 average homes for a year

  • SCEF Benefit

    $140,000 per year in savings to Low-Moderate Income (LMI) customers

  • Approval

    Pursuant to Connecticut General Statute §16-50, Verogy requires approval from the Connecticut Siting Council for Glastonbury Solar One. Verogy will also be working closely with municipal departments in Glastonbury throughout the development of the project. Glastonbury Solar One will also obtain a General / SWPP Permit from CT DEEP.