The Future of Solar in New Jersey is Bright

Have you been waiting to explore New Jersey solar energy?

The New Jersey solar market is thriving, and you can be part of it. Incentive programs unique to New Jersey can make your solar project a no brainer—keep reading to find the solution that is right for you.

Solar Energy in New Jersey

Market Overview – Higher than average utility rates and strong solar incentives make New Jersey a top location for solar energy in the country. The state has a renewable portfolio standard (RPS), that requires electric utility companies to source 50% of its electricity from renewable technologies (such as solar) by 2030.

We tailor our solar proposals by working with you to determine the solution that will best fit your needs.

New Jersey Community Solar

The State of New Jersey has a strong focus on the expansion of environmental justice. One requirement of the Community Solar Program is that at least 51% of the capacity be allocated to low and moderate income (LMI) communities.

The community solar program also evaluates applications based on community engagement and benefits to local communities. Examples include local job creation, or partnerships with local trade schools for hands on training. Project priority is given to projects sited on landfills, brownfields, parking lots and rooftops.

Net Metering in New Jersey

The New Jersey solar market also includes a Net Metering program. Net Metering is when excess solar production is rolled forward as kWh credits. Once annually, excess credits are bought by the utility for a monetary value based on wholesale power rates. Public entities may also benefit from New Jersey’s Remote Net Metering, through which the host may allocate net metering credits to other public entities within the same utility service territory.

Do you think New Jersey solar might be for you?

See how New Jersey solar incentives can impact your bottom line.

Helping You Navigate Your Incentives

Our team at Verogy helps you navigate available incentives so you can reduce your energy costs, increase your bottom line, and make the most of your solar investment. We’re here to make sure your New Jersey business becomes energy efficient through renewable energy.

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